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St John's URC Church Outside

Events Archive

This page contains previous events that have happened at St Johns URC Wideopen. Please feel free to browse at your leisure.

Past Events to remember

Our  “Easter” coffee morning 
 was on 25th  March 2023. 
with all the usual stalls.

On Feb 19th 2023
We collected £535

towards help for people involved in the
Turkey/Syria earthquake.

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The Salvation Army celebration  on December 6th 2022

raised about £400 for the Salvation Army

Our Christmas Fayre happend on 19th November 2022

and raised £1047 for church funds

St John's remembers the Fallen

A trail of poppies symbolic of the trail of the life blood that was spilled in the trenches of the Somme, the sands of North Africa, the jungle of Burma, the turmoil of the sea, the valleys of Korea, the wind swept barrenness of the Falkland and the deserts of Iraq, leads to the altar.

In our Remembrance service we remembered their sacrifice so that we can enjoy our life, our freedom, our commitment to uphold justice and to confront tyranny.


The Celebration of the 60th Anniversary          

    of   St. John’s URC in Canterbury Way

 (Incorporating the 50th Anniversary of the United Reformed Church)

was held on Sunday 2nd October 2022 at 10:45am

With a Service of Communion led by the Reverend Ron Forster

followed by Prosecco and cake in the church hall.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Saturday 24th September 2022 10:30am – 12:30pm

St. John’s Church Hall


We raised over £600  - Thankyou !!!

Christian Aid 2022

 Our Christian Aid week fundraising sponsored walk and coffee morning raised about £1500 for people in need around the world.  

Our Lent lunch in April 2022 raised £150 for Christian Aid


Situated in Wideopen, Newcastle. However we are part of a much larger community. St John's URC is part of the United Reformed Church, a family of over 1500 churches across the UK.



1 Canterbury Way, Wideopen, Newcastle upon Tyne NE13 6JQ

© 2019 St John's United Reformed Church Wideopen

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