St John's
Church Diary
There is always something happening at St Johns United Reformed Church
Here is our diary for the next few weeks
and see below for special events
Sun 1 10:45am Morning Service led by Hannah Middleton
Mon 2 1:30pm Ta’i Chi
7:30pm Desperate Housewives
Wed 4 9:30am Coffee Break (Howatson Lounge)
10:00am Zumba Gold Session
Thurs 5 10:00am Art Club
Fri 6 7:15pm St John's singers rehearsal
Sun 8 10:45am Morning Service led by Revd Keith Harbour
Mon 9 1:30pm Ta’i Chi
Tues 10 7:30pm Elders meeting
Wed 11 10:00am Zumba Gold Session
Thurs 12 10:00am Art Club
Fri 13 7:15pm St John's singers rehearsal
Sun 15 10:45am Morning Service led by Revd Yvonne Tracey
Mon 16 1:30pm Ta’i Chi
Wed 18 9:30am Coffee Break (Howatson Lounge)
10:00am Zumba Gold Session
Thurs 19 10:00am Art Club
Fri 20 7:15pm St John's singers rehearsal
Sat 21 10:30pm Macmillan Coffee Morning
Sun 22 10:45am Morning Service led by Valerie Taylor
Mon 23 1:30pm Ta’i Chi
Wed 25 10:00am Zumba Gold Session
Thurs 26 10:00am Art Club
Fri 27 7:15pm St John's singers rehearsal
Sun 29 10:45am Morning Service led by Revd Philip Gray
Mon 30 1:30pm Ta’i Chi
Wed 2 10:00am Zumba Gold Session
Thurs 3 10:00am Art Club
Fri 4 7:15pm St John's singers rehearsal
Sun 6 10:45am Morning Service led by Revd Yvonne Tracey
Please Consider
Christian Aid
Christian Aid helps in long term development projects in 29 different countries .
This year we will be learning about 'pigeon pea' project with farmers in Malawi.
They are growing a crop they hope will withstand the violent weather which climate change is forcing on them.
Christian Aid also provides emergency funds provide an instant response to crises such as natural disasters ,
(eg hurricane Freddy in Malawi, the Turkey Syria earthquake ) and human made catastrophes such as the Ukraine war..
by providing immediate food and shelter and medical care.
part of the Disasters Emergency Committee
For more information